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Kids Closet Organization Tips

Posted by Children Story Time admin, 10 minutes read

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As simple a task as organizing your kid’s closet may seem, it can often be a discouraging activity for many. For one, where do you begin? What is the best way to organize it? How do you set up a system that your kids will take part in rather than mess up immediately? If you are looking for kids’ closet organization tips on how to make it an easy-going and successful experience, you’ve come to the right place.


Kids Closet Organization Tips – Why You Should Organize

 Children may not be as big as adults, but they certainly take up space as if they are one. From clothes to toys, many parents find their children’s things taking over the household while presenting a problem of organization and tidiness. Utilizing your kid’s closet space can help make a world of a difference if done correctly. Some of the perks that come from organizing their closet are that it:


Saves Time Picking Things Out

An organized closet helps both you and your child pick things out with more ease. You will know where to find the items you need when it is organized by category. This will help your little one be able to pick things themselves as well as help save time when getting ready to go out.  


Less Stressful

Organizing your kid’s closet can also contribute to having less stress for both you and your child. Disorganization has been known to contribute to poor mental health, causing both stress and depression. The disorganization and clutter associated with it can often feel like part of a never-ending to-do list.Organization can help your child feel more relaxed and comfortable in their room.


Kids Will Love Their Clothes

Having an organized closet where your child can easily reach and determine where to find and put things will also help them develop an appreciation for their clothes (as well as any other items stored there). When they can pick things out on their own, like say their favorite shirt or sweater, they will find more joy in getting ready.


Gets Rid of Unnecessary Clutter

Another reason why you should organize your kid’s closet is that it helps to remove clutter and free up vital space. The truth is that even important items can clutter up a household, which is why it is all the more important to rid your child’s space of unnecessary clutter. Such as clothes they have outgrown or are overly worn, toys that are broken, or no longer age-appropriate. Letting go of these things will help declutter their closet.  


Kids Closet Organization Tips: The How

Getting started on the organization process can sometimes be hard to start. Just the idea of it can make you lose motivation, often seeming like a big feat to overcome. For the most stress-free approach on how to get the task done, try utilizing the KonMari method.


What is the KonMari Method?

This organization method is considered a minimalist approach to tidying up, where you keep items based on their ability to spark joy from those using them. There are six rules to complete tidying up, the first being to:


  1. Commit Yourself– As mentioned, it can be really hard to find and keep the motivation to get the task on hand started. You have to commit yourself to the task and be resolved to both start and complete it.
  2. Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle– Having a clear vision in your mind’s eye of the type of household you would like to establish is an important part of the process. It is the goal you wish to ascertain by the end of the task, a motivator for you to do so, and helps give you a clear image to guide your decisions.
  3. Discard First– Discarding items before organizing helps maximize your efforts by getting rid of things that do not need to take up space in your kid’s closet. It may be items and clothing they no longer fit in or things that have never come into use.Instead of simply discarding it, take the time with your child to acknowledge why it is being discarded, especially with those never been used items. This will help prevent future purchases that may otherwise clutter things up again.
  4. Sort By Category– Rather than sorting by location, you will have a better outcome if you organize by category throughout the house. If you’re organizing your kid’s clothing, make sure you check the laundry room for clean clothes that haven’t yet made it to your child’s closet. Same for their toys, footwear, books, and other items you may store in their closet.Try breaking down the categories into clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous, sentimental items.
  5. Follow the Right Order– The order in which you organize the categories mentioned can impact how smooth the process goes. It is recommended to start with the clothes in your kids closet first. After all, that is the main purpose of their closet.
  6. Does it Spark Joy– If any item doesn’t bring your child some sort of happiness then it can likely be discarded. You want to keep necessary things but also things that have meaning and contribute to their happiness.


Further Organizing Closet by Category 

A kid’s closet can go a long way for storing clothes, books, toys, and much more, especially if you organize it by category.


Organizing your child’s closet by category helps both you and your child find things easily, but it also helps your child get involved in the organization process. Like Mary Poppins would say, now the job’s a game! Challenge your child to put their items away in the correct category.  When further organizing clothes and hanging them up or folding them onto shelves, try separating shirts from sweaters, pants from shorts, dresses from skirts, set aside a spot specifically for pajamas, and so on.


Categories to Organize a Kid’s Closet

By Type

Group together tank tops, short sleeves, long sleeves, sweaters, and jackets. This minimizes the chance that a smaller piece of clothing like a tank top will get lost amidst puffer clothing like jackets and sweaters.


By Color

Kids will love to put their clothes away when they see how organizing their items by color creates a beautiful rainbow in their closet! 


By Size

After categorizing your child’s clothes by type and color, consider a third step of categorization by size of the garment. For example, shorter tops would come first, followed by tunics, followed by dresses.


Kids Closet Organization Tips – Organizers, Rods, Drawers

Thanks to their smaller-sized clothing, utilize storage boxes/drawers, shoe racks, cubbies, and much more to help further organize your child’s closet while simultaneously leaving more floor space in their room to play.



Since hanging rods will likely be difficult for your child to reach, make sure to incorporate closet organizers down on their level so they can participate in keeping their closet tidy. These organizers can include baskets and bins for shoes or toys, or shoe racks. Create a shoe section by installing a shoe rack, separating boots from sneakers and fancy footwear. You can even color coordinate.



The beauty of children’s clothing is that it is so small! This means you can fit more rows of hanging rods vertically than you could in an adult’s closet. Try adding two or even three rods stacked vertically to make more space to hang your child’s clothing using the category system. 



Drawers can quickly become a catchall in a child’s closet if you’re not careful. Consider reserving drawers for items that don’t need to be folded, such as socks, underwear, books, and toys. 

Since drawers also make good hiding places, your child may try to get away with stuffing any items that they simply don’t want to put away into their drawers. To avoid this, consider labeling the drawers with the items that are meant to be contained within them. When utilizing these storage options, you can keep your kids’ closet organized by the categories in which you have just finished tidying up, making future efforts at maintaining it a much simpler task.


Kids Closet Organize Tips – Toys and Books

Toys are difficult to organize because of their various sizes and shapes, but it’s not an impossible task with the right organizers in place.


Only Keep What Your Child Plays With

Children love to keep as many toys as possible, and parents want to make sure children never get bored. So, often, toys start piling up. Watch your child play over the period of a week and determine what they’re actually using. If there are toys that never make it to the play floor, quietly remove them and donate those items or ask your child to help you determine what they don’t play with anymore. This makes it easier for your kid to find the toys they actually want to play with when it’s time. It removes the need to throw everything out on the floor to find what they’re looking for. Every toy has a place, and your child knows exactly where to find it and where to put it away. 


Limit Toys in Each Category and Group Them

Once you’ve edited your child’s toy collection, it’s time for one more run through. This time, you’re looking for duplicates of toys in the same category. For example, does your child have 20 dolls and only a few puzzles? Try to edit down the dolls category to the dolls that your child really loves. You don’t need 20 of the same toy. A few toys in each category will keep your child perfectly entertained. Now, group the toys by category into bins, drawers, or shelves. Categories could include blocks, Legos, cars, dolls, puzzles, and plushes. 


Use Bookcases for Toys and Books

Book cases are great for organizing books by size and color, yes, but they’re also handy for organizing bins.

Bins on shelves can be easily labeled and stored at your child’s eye and reach level, making it easier for them to access their toys and put them away. A bin is an easy way to keep items together, and provides a place for you or your child to quickly toss toys and books into the appropriate place.  Bins can be neatly lined up in an open book shelf. Books can be lined up by size and color to keep bookshelves looking neat and tidy. 


Forget the Lids 

Many organizational bins come with lids, but for a child’s room, do away with these. Lids are an unnecessary complication that get in the way of your child putting things away quickly. You want to make cleaning up as easy as possible. Bins can also look messy if their kids do not fit tightly in place. 


Consider Tilted Shelving 

If your child has a lot of toys and you don’t mind the sight of all of their things, tilted shelving with bins could be a good option. Tilted shelving makes it even easier to put items away because bins don’t need to be pulled out entirely to access them. You can also quickly see what’s inside each bin without much effort. 


Tips for Smaller Items

For smaller items like colored pencils, crayons, stickers, and glue, use art supply bins with labels and lids. 

This will keep small items grouped in the appropriate category, and keep them secure in a place where they’re less likely to spill out and cause a mess. 


Make Use of Your Child’s Space

Some children’s rooms tend to be small, so a giant bookshelf with room for bins and books might be out of the question for you. If your child’s closet doesn’t allow space for all of their things, consider making good use of other spaces in their room. Toy hammocks can be used on just about any wall to store plush animals.

Over-door hanging organizers are a great way to store smaller toys on the back of your child’s bedroom or bathroom door. Use over door hangers that have clear pockets so you can easily see what’s being stored inside.  And don’t forget the room underneath your child’s bed! To avoid this storage space becoming a catchall, utilize under-bed drawers that roll out easily. Label the drawers or fill them with categorized bins.


Kids Closet Organization Tips- Get Your Child Involved

While you organize, declutter, and put things away, keep your child in mind. The best way to do that is to involve them in the process. This will help them develop good habits of organizing and putting clothes and toys where they belong. Let them help decide what holds value, what is essential, what brings them happiness, and even where in their closet they want the toy section or books stored.


This will help teach them the value of their clothes and other items and feel a sense of control over their own lives about what of theirs gets discarded. As they think about what to keep and what to get rid of, and why they wish to keep certain things and discuss this with you, they will also gain valuable critical thinking skills that will have a positive influence on their lives. You will also want to keep in mind how easily accessible things are for your kid. Make as much as possible within reach and visible for them so they can easily find what they want when they want it, instilling a sense of independence and self-sufficiency in them.


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Meta Description 

Organizing your kid’s closet can be a daunting task. Discover the best way to organize their closet and make the most of the space.



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